Michelle Malkin
…2. Train our kids: When they see something troublesome or wrong, say something. If a young classmate exhibits bizarre or violent behavior toward himself/herself, other students, teachers, or parents, report it right away. If it gets ignored, say it louder. Don’t give up. Don’t just shrug off the “weirdo” saying/doing dangerous things and don’t just hope someone else will act.
3. Limit our kids’ time online and control their exposure to desensitizing cultural influences.
Turn off the TV. Get them off the bloody video games. Protect them from age-inappropriate Hollywood violence. Make sure they are active and engaged with us and the world, not pent up in a room online every waking moment…
The complete article is at MichelleMalkin.com
Also at the site, Letter from a young video gamer/designer; Update: Responses added
I received an interesting e-mail this morning that I will share with you in a moment. The subject is video games. Yesterday, I touched on this topic in my post on “6 simple things parents can do in the wake of massacres without government.”
I believe it is parents’ role, not the government’s, to monitor their children’s online, smartphone, and gaming activity. Several politicians on Capitol Hill are making noises about new regulations on video games. I am against such post-Newtown political grandstanding. We don’t need kabuki. We need to take individual responsibility.
We parents need to keep ourselves up to date and informed on what’s out there in the marketplace. I’m part of the generation that grew up with Pong and Donkey Kong, witnessed the early days of bloody video games with the advent of “Postal,” then tuned out of the “Grand Theft Auto” and “Halo” era as we focused on raising our own children. I let my kids play “Burger Shop” on my laptop, “Family Feud” on the iPad, and “Wurdle” and “Tiny Tower” on my iPhone. My 12-year-old daughter has played “Big Buck Safari” at the arcade. My 9-year-old son gets an occasional kick out of “Kick the Buddy.” But that’s about as violent as it gets. We prefer interactive games offline that bring the family together — Boggle, Settlers of Catan, Apples to Apples, and Scattergories are our favorites.
Joseph, a 30-year-old reader and video gamer/aspiring game designer, wrote me this morning to share his thoughts and reaction to the new round of criticism of gaming. Parents, I hope this helps….
It’s an informative debate.
More sense and civility from the Nanny State: Bloomberg: NRA Would Defend Right To Own ‘Nuclear Warhead’
CNN’s O’Brien Urges Obama to “Track” People and Firearms.
Um, Soledad, they’re probably already doing that, despite our Constitutional protections.