Obama regulatory czar claims Bush was worse on rules

Dave Boyer
The Washington Times

President Obama’s regulatory czar told a Capitol Hill gathering Tuesday that the administration has produced fewer burdensome rules for industry than did the administration of President George W. Bush.

“There is no tsunami” of regulations, said Cass Sunstein, administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, at a symposium on innovation on Capitol Hill, rejecting complaints from the business community and congressional Republicans that the administration’s regulatory policies had harmed the economy and cost U.S. jobs.

Industry leaders have complained about the growth of costly regulations under Mr. Obama. It was U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Thomas Donohue who first called the new round of regulations — on banking, health care, energy and the environment — under Mr. Obama a “tsunami.”

But Mr. Sunstein argued that the administration is streamlining rules and relations of some 30 executive agencies.

“The annual cost of regulations has not increased during the Obama administration,” he said. “In its last two years, executive agencies in the Bush administration proposed far higher regulatory costs than did those agencies in the Obama administration in our first two years.”

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