Caller To Mark Levin Show: Patients Over 70 Who Need Neurosurgery To Be Called ‘Units’ Given ‘Comfort Care’ Under Upcoming Obamacare Rules

If someone comes in at 70 years of age with a bleed in their brain, I can promise you I’m not going to get a bunch of administrators together on an ethics panel at 2 in the morning to decide that I’m OK to do surgery.

Marooned in Marin

A neurosuregon from the Chicago area called into Mark Levin’s radio show and gave him some chilling information.

…Ethics panels? A kinder way of saying “Death Panels” which means Sarah Palin is right…

Read the entire post at Marooned in Marin.

CAJ note: Truthseeker2112 posted the video on YouTube and has written a commentary with the video.

Update: Obama caves, surrenders top Medicare administrator

A major supporter of the president’s health care reform law will be relinquishing his post as head of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid to his number two in command after Republicans successfully prevented his confirmation to the post.

Harvard professor Donald Berwick — who once explained that “excellent health care is, by definition, redistribution” — will step down Dec. 2 officials confirmed to the Associated Press on Wednesday.

The White House announced that they have nominated Berwick’s principal deputy administrator, Marilyn Tavenner, to take over the position…


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