Mark Steyn
The Corner
National Review Online
Jonah writes:
Lord knows that I have deep disagreements with Glenn Greenwald (not least on his extremely low opinion of me), but in fairness you’ve got to credit him with consistency.
I’ll second that. Lord knows that I have deep disagreements with Glenn Greenwald (not least on his extremely low opinion of me), but consistent he certainly is. When I ran into my difficulties with the Canadian “Human Rights” Commission, Mr Greenwald, while finding me “pernicious” and “odious”, was nevertheless a principled defender of free speech – one of all too few from the allegedly “liberal” commentariat. (And, if I recall correctly, he took the trouble to contact my office and nail down the facts of the case.)
His consistency on drones – regardless of whether Bush or Obama is pulling the trigger – doesn’t surprise me. He is a principled man of the left, and that’s sufficiently rare to be worthy of note.
Related: To protect citizens, Texas may pass toughest anti-drone laws in America
Texas lawmakers are considering what would become the toughest anti-drone law in the nation, following revelations the Obama administration has legally justified targeting American citizens only suspected of engaging in terrorist activities with drones.
Under a measure filed by state Rep. Lance Gooden, a Republican, the bill would essentially outlaw the use of drones over Texas by individuals or by state and federal law enforcement agencies….