All in the (Political) Family

Obama’s Marxist Mentor and Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod.

Paul Kengor
The American Spectator

…As readers of this site are aware, I’ve just published a book on Barack Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. No president in the long history of this republic has had a mentor like Obama’s. Frank Marshall Davis was a literal — and I mean literal — card-carrying member of Communist Party USA. I publish Davis’s Communist Party number (47544) on the cover of the book, and fill an appendix with declassified FBI documents and Soviet archival material. Those documents reveal a Davis so suspicious that he was placed on the federal government’s Security Index, which meant he could be immediately arrested if war broke out between the United States and USSR. With that sort of pro-Soviet influence throughout his adolescence (1970-79), Barack Obama would have trouble getting a security clearance for an entry-level government job, let alone sit in the Oval Office.

Nonetheless, Obama sits in that Oval Office today thanks to four factors: the American voter, a scandalously biased media, a skillful election strategy charted by David Axelrod, and the careful nurturing of Valerie Jarrett.

And most remarkable, Axelrod’s and Jarrett’s backgrounds and mentors connect to Obama’s background and mentor in a most intriguing way. It’s a stunning story, hard to believe. Follow closely…

Read the complete article at The American Spectator.

Related: When Exactly Did Barack Obama Renounce Communism?

As an ex-Marxist I am somewhat hypersensitive to the conversion stories of other ex-Marxists. In my case, I remember where I was the exact moment I realized I no longer believed in the ideals of Communism: I was walking through the basement of McGraw Hall at Cornell University in September 1983.  I had just finished an argument with my radical thesis advisor, an argument which left me thinking he was ideologically blinded and alarmingly out-of-touch with reality.

For previous generations, such moments of clarity often occurred in the wake of a violent, oppressive event. As Whittaker Chambers describes it in Witness, that moment arrived with an unheeded cry in the Moscow night.  As David Horowitz describes it in Radical Son, that moment arrived with the recognition that the Black Panthers had murdered an accountant he had placed with them.  For Barack Obama, however, that moment never arrives…


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