During a town hall meeting in Jupiter last night, Rep. Allen West was asked about spending levels and 2012.
On spending, West says it’s about time the Obama administration and Harry Reid get serious about the debt in this country. The people who should worry about a government shut down, he says, are democrats.
Via the Palm Beach Post:
“We’re not trying to shut down the federal government. … But the number one problem in Washington, D.C. is a spending problem, it’s not a revenue problem,” West said.
“That’s why (Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid has to do the right thing. He has to recognize that he has to cut spending. The president has to do the right thing. He has to cut spending,” West said…
The article continues at cubachi
Update: Herman Cain was in Arizona this weekend to speak at the Tea Party Patriots’ American Policy Summit. He was fabulous…speaking of leadership! Brian at Freedom’s Lighthouse writes, “I’m telling you–look out for Herman Cain!” Read what else he has to say about Cain’s speech.