America's Birthday

Thomas Sowell

…When a former Speaker of the House of Representatives announces that she is going down to our border to greet and welcome masses of people crossing that border illegally, you know that something is fundamentally wrong.

No one knows, or apparently cares, how many of these “children” include teenage criminal gangs to whom murder is no big deal. Worst of all, no one knows, or apparently cares, that the elected representatives of the American people were cut out of the loop when it came to making these decisions.

All that matters to people like Nancy Pelosi is the symbolism of welcoming the oppressed, especially if they represent more votes for Democrats, who will shower the taxpayers’ money on them.

As if to make clear the elite’s contempt for ordinary Americans’ intelligence, President Obama tells us that the people crossing the border “love” America. How could he possibly know that, any more than he could know how to “invest” the taxpayers’ money in “the industries of the future,” which have in fact gone bankrupt?…

…The people who wrote the Constitution of the United States understood what dangers there are to the freedom of the people — and that freedom can be quietly eroded by degrees, rather than taken all at once…



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