This link will take you to the Massachusetts law giving the state unthinkable authority in the event a flu, or any pandemic occurs.
It begins:
…Upon declaration by the governor that an emergency exists which is detrimental to the public health or upon declaration of a state of emergency under chapter 639 of the acts of 1950, as amended, the commissioner may, during such period of emergency, take such action and incur such liabilities as he or she may consider necessary to assure the maintenance of public health and the prevention of disease. The commissioner may establish procedures to be followed during such emergency to ensure the continuation of essential public health services and the enforcement of the same…
…Such declaration may authorize the deployment and use of any forces to which the plan applies and the use or distribution of any supplies, equipment, materials, and facilities assembled, stockpiled, or available.
(c) During such public health emergency or state of emergency, any person who renders assistance or advice during the emergency as provided in section 1 of chapter 258 shall be protected from liability to the extent provided by chapter 258…