Anjem Choudary: ‘one day Shariah will be implemented everywhere, including America’ and ‘the flag of Islam will fly over the White House’

Baron Bodissey
Gates of Vienna

…Silver-tongued taqiyya artists like Imam Rauf and Tariq Ramadan soothe us with pretty lies, but Mr. Choudary reliably gives out the straight dope on Islam, every time, without fail. Sharia for him, for me, and for you, by suasion [sic] if possible, by murder and terror if necessary.

The entire article and comments are worth reading at Gates of Vienna.

Here’s an interesting video of an American Arab interviewer exposing Choudary. Watch, in particular, 2:27 to 4:20, where the argument takes place.

Update: Bill Maher fears Islam taking over the Western world. Amazing to us he did not know that Great Britain has nearly caved to Shariah Law. But, for once, we agree with the rabid, perpetually angry, anti-religion, intolerant Maher.

Update 2: Spitzer to Choudary, You are a heinous terrorist…H/T Instapundit

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