Will they listen?
Presidential campaigns may be hardest on the spouses. In a radio interview Thursday, Ann Romney revealed how much the sniping from Republicans has hurt.
Liz Marlantes
The Christian Science Monitor
Maybe it’s a maternal thing. But we couldn’t help but sympathize somewhat when we heard Ann Romney’s latest attempt to defend her husband from his Republican critics, who have been vacillating between morose and merciless.
Yes, we know, Mitt isn’t Ann’s son. But there was something about the way she snapped “Stop it” that called to mind nothing so much as a mom who’s “had it up to here” with the snide comments being lobbed from the backseat.
In an interview with Radio Iowa Thursday, Mrs. Romney tried to lay down the law:
“Stop it. This is hard. You want to try it? Get in the ring. This is hard and, you know, it’s an important thing that we’re doing right now, and it’s an important election, and it is time for all Americans to realize how significant this election is and how lucky we are to have someone with Mitt’s qualifications and experience and know-how to be able to have the opportunity to run this country.”
The trouble with these comments, of course, is that they probably will give more fodder to critics who see Ann Romney as a clueless elitist…
The article continues at The Christian Science Monitor.
Related: But Presidenting is hard, too: Lobbyist close to White House behind effort of golfers to quell jokes about Obama
A coalition of golf lovers are asking Republicans to stop making so many jokes about President Barack Obama’s love for the golf course, saying such comments are bad for the golf industry.
But could politics be at play too?
The Daily Caller has learned that Tony Podesta, a well-known Democratic lobbyist with strong ties to the Obama White House, is behind the We Are Golf coalition of golfing organizations that has sent letters to Republicans such as Florida Sen. Marco Rubio asking them to cut out the criticism of Obama’s golfing habits…
And if you thought free speech in America is on the ropes, here’s what your future holds:
Pelosi: Democrats will amend Constitution to overturn ‘Citizens United’ if they control House
Read the article at the link.
You don’t have to love Romney, libertarians and GOP, but Pelosi represents the alternative. Kiss your freedom and any remaining shred of prosperity goodbye if Obama has four more years.
Also, McConnell: Obama seeking to change First Amendment ‘an act of radicalism’