Ben Shapiro
Big Government
25 Jun 2012
While my colleague Joel Pollak suggests this morning that the Supreme Court “struck down the form – but not the substance” of Arizona’s immigration law, the truth seems to be the opposite: the Supreme Court defanged the Arizona law to the point where it has no meaning. The case is an outright victory for the Obama administration – it allows them to complain about racial profiling without the state of Arizona having the power to actually fight illegal immigration. Beyond which, the ruling is dead wrong.
First things first: the ruling today completely removes Arizona’s ability to deal with illegal immigration…
…this is a big win for Obama. The heart of the law is not intact. Only the most controversial provision, which mandates illegal immigration checks by law enforcement – and which will not result in arrests in any case – remains, providing political fodder for the Obama campaign. They’re already capitalizing on it, calling the Supreme Court and the State of Arizona racist…
Read the entire article at Big Government.
Related: Exclusive: Gov. Jan Brewer: Obama Admin “Assault on Arizona” Continues
AP: Court Decision ‘Takes Teeth’ Out of AZ Law
Why Did Chief Justice Roberts Vote Against AZ’s Law?
Update: ‘F*ck Arpaio!’ — The Left Reacts to Arizona v. United States
Update 3: Supreme Court Justice Scalia SLAMMED Obama In His Arizona Immigration Dissent
Romney on the Arizona case: I wish the Court would let states have more latitude on immigration
H/T GraniteGrok