Bill Whittle: The Cookie Cutter Curriculum

Bill viagra without rx Whittle
PJ Media

SAT question: education is to the Common Core System as healthcare is to ______________. If you answered Obamacare, you’d be right. The Common Core is a massive power grab to the federal bureaucracy, and just furthers liberals’ plans of indoctrination. Join Bill Whittle in this edition of Afterburner to learn why.


Related:   Glenn Beck: We don’t lose. Period.  

…“I think you need to know we are not going to lose. We don’t lose, period. We don’t lose, and I believe I can prove to you they know they are going to lose.”“We say this is the last gasp of freedom, right? If freedom disappears, there is nothing left. Last gasp of freedom, the last gasp of the Constitution. No, no. [This is] the last gasp of this system that we have built,” he continued. “This system does not resemble the Constitution. What we are living under right now is not constitutional. It hasn’t been Constitutional in many ways for about 100 years, but it is certainly not constitutional now. So we’re not losing the Constitution, gang. We already lost the constitution… You are not losing man’s freedom. You are about to gain it.”…

…“This is the last gasp of Marxism. This is it. This is it for the entire world. This is: Will we control the entire world? The answer is yes, if it weren’t for technology,” Glenn explained. “This would have worked had it not been for technology.”…


If you are a subscriber to The Blaze TV, the air date of the radio program is 29 October.



UpdateJon Stewart Takes on School Choice  Where you can see how progressives see our educational system.



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