Boston Globe on Obamacare: Never Mind

Dr. Susan Berry
Big Journalism
11 Mar 2013

Last Tuesday, the Boston Globe published an editorial in which it reneged on its full support for President Obama’s signature health care legislation’s implementation in Massachusetts…

…The Globe’s editorial argues that, somehow, redistribution of wealth is not all it was cracked up to be:

The overall result of those federal regulations is that small businesses with fewer industry risks, a proactive wellness approach, and (relatively) more employees will end up subsidizing companies that would otherwise be more expensive to insure. Because small businesses and individuals are merged into one pool as far as assessing risk, firms will also end up subsidizing the costs of coverage for people buying individual plans…

Failing to give credit to small firms that take meaningful steps to help their employees stay healthy is counterproductive…

Forbes’ Josh Archambault observes that prior Globe editorials, perhaps proudly, stressed the sameness between RomneyCare and Obamacare, while they criticized those who disagreed as being political

…[Under a new law signed by Gov. Deval Patrick in August 2012] Providers who are found to be spending too much on patient care must submit to “performance improvement plans” or, for serious offenders, be fined up to $500,000 for disobeying the rules of the commission…


The complete article is at Big Journalism.


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