The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
1 February 2013
Today would have been Andrew’s birthday. There’s no “bad video” of him anywhere, so we really took a long time to choose this one.
In honor of Andrew…let’s carry on and win.
Put Up or Shut Up
28 Oct 2012
Last week, Newsweek announced that it would be closing up its print shop as of December 31, 2012 and come the New Year, will only exist in the digital realm. The question quickly became, Is this the death of print journalism or is it simply the death of Newsweek? The answer might be in this scarcely seen speech by Andrew in 2010…a speech in which he essentially predicts the ultimate destruction of the mainstream media by tracing the rise of new media and citizen journalism starting with his early days at the Drudge Report…
CAJ note: If the video doesn’t load properly, watch it at Breitbart TV.
Andrew Breitbart’s Birthday Gift: Victory Over NBC
Andrew Breitbart did not take pleasure in the misfortune of individuals with whom he had battled over the years. Yet there was nothing he hated more than the collusion of the mainstream media in perpetuating left-wing lies, destroying lives in the process. Conversely, there was nothing Andrew relished more than the rare moments when the media were confronted with their own dishonesty and hypocrisy, and made to pay the price.
That is why he would have welcomed the departure of NBC News president Steve Capus. Breitbart News’ John Nolte–who was the first critic to pursue Capus, as managing editor Alex Marlow points out–has listed some of the many scandals that embroiled Capus’s brief tenure…
Anne Sorock shares some of her memories of Andrew at Legal Insurrection.
…Here was a charming, likable man faced with taking on the institutional left and the media that protects them. How does a wonderfully nice person go about fighting what he (I agree) thinks is the ultimate threat to freedom and justice not just in America but around the world?
So many more of our friends and family will be like him in the next 10, 20, or 30 years. People who are aren’t the typical political junkies, but (no offense to the rest of us), are the normal Americans who have been staying out of it, living their lives.
I spoke with a friend of mine, a sort of political historian, who believes that our country may be in for some of the darkest times it has seen since–and even surpassing–those of the Civil War. But, he thinks, what we’ll find is that the doctors, lawyers, stay-at-home-moms, mechanics, investment bankers, accountants–all those who have been living their lives, will reenter the political arena during these time, just as Andrew did.
The wealth-creators of today who are not involved in politics will enter into politics because they’ll have to. And with their help, we will be able to take on the myth that progressivism is the dominant culture in America.
Andrew sent a jolt of lightning into politics, partly because he wasn’t part of the Capitol Hill blue-blazered, Senate-bean-soup-eating professional political class. He never got much into the “game” of politics, who was next in line, etc., but took a more macro, fresh look. Because he trusted the American people to make the right decisions, he instead wanted to reform the way information gets to the American people: the media…
We also loved this video, Cookie Envy in which Andrew succinctly defines leftism in America.
…Unquestionably, he inspired us. But here’s something that people don’t always realize: we inspired him.
And, finally, Andrew’s last CPAC speech in 2012. Watch it!
Update: Remembering Andrew Breitbart on His 44th Birthday
Update 2: Happy Birthday from The Jawa Report