…in the long run, at the rate we’re going, entitlements plus interest would basically be the entire government’s budget, unless you raise taxes considerably…
~Ben Bernanke
Bernanke: Get Government Spending Under Control to Spur Economic Growth Today.
Fed Chairman also testifies on the need to enact pro-growth tax reform and get health care costs under control.
Rep. Paul Ryan, Chairman
Committee on the Budget
Chairman Paul Ryan asked Bernanke to sum up his view on the nation’s unsustainable fiscal trajectory and its effect on the economy:
RYAN: “To summarize, you do believe that one of the best things we can do for short-term economic growth is to put out a plan that actually stabilizes our fiscal picture, that actually gets our liabilities under control, and shows with confidence that we have the right trajectory because we’ve addressed the programs – which are spending programs – that are getting us out of control. Is that the case?”
BERNANKE: “That’s correct.”
* * *
Later, in response to a question from freshman Representative Bill Flores of Texas, Bernanke elaborated on his view that long-term cuts and controls are necessary to restore the confidence that businesses need to create jobs and invest in the future:
There’s more video from today’s hearing at House.gov