Cantor Relentless in Push for Amnesty for Illegal Alien Youth

Matthew Boyle
Big Government
3 Dec 2013

House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) says he is continuing to try to grant amnesty to illegal alien youths via his GOP version of the DREAM Act, known as the KIDS Act.

“We should not be holding kids liable for the acts of their parents,” Cantor said in an interview with the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Bob Rayner, a reporter for the Times-Dispatch, wrote that Cantor described the push for the KIDS Act, something that would reportedly legalize the status of illegal aliens who are somehow determined to have been brought to America by no fault of their own, as a “one of his priorities.”

Rayner wrote that such “priorities” would, if Cantor succeeds, “be incremental improvements in the country’s broken immigration system, beginning with the Kids Act, which would create a path to citizenship for people who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children.”…

…Cantor has been pressured by illegal aliens to grant amnesty for a long time. Recently, according to the Washington Examiner, they stormed his home demanding amnesty.


The complete article is at Big Government.



Update:  Obama’s Kenyan-born uncle contradicts WH claim president never met him; judge won’t deport 

President Barack Obama’s Kenyan-born, formerly illegal immigrant uncle dropped more than his famous nephew’s name while facing deportation Tuesday for a 2011 drunk driving arrest – his testimony completely contradicted a White House statement that the president had never met his uncle…

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