Supreme Court filing suggests AARP feigned support for Medigap reform

Matthew Boyle The Daily Caller 1/5/2012

A Supreme Court amicus briefing filed by the AARP indicates that during the national debate over President Obama’s health care overhaul, the senior-citizen advocacy group did not prioritize stopping Medigap providers, including itself, from discriminating against seniors with pre-existing conditions. This stands in stark contrast with AARP’s past claims.


GOP Reps ask IRS to investigate AARP

Meredith Jessup The Blaze 4/8/2011

With reports that the AARP may bank $1 billion from ObamaCare — a law the non-profit organization lobbied hard for — three Republicans on the House Ways and Means committee have sent a letter to the Internal Revenue Service calling for an investigation into the tax-exempt status of AARP. The […]

Democrats win $400B in Medicare cuts

By Stephen Dinan The Washington Times December 4, 2009

In the first showdown over the Senate health care bill, Democrats on Thursday successfully defended more than $400 billion in Medicare cuts, turning back a potentially lethal stab at the measure.

On a 58-42 vote, the Senate defeated an effort by Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, […]

Stossel to O’Reilly: Quit the AARP

by John Stossel November 24, 2009

Tonight, Bill O’Reilly asked me why the AARP supports Obamacare. Polls show that just 30 percent of seniors want it.

I think it’s because the AARP is a political machine.

The AARP was founded on lefty principles. Their mission statement references “positive social change”, “collective purpose”, and a […]

AARP Received $18 Million In Stimulus Money

by Philip Klein The American Spectator 11.18.09

AARP, which has given its full-throated support to Democratic health care legislation even though seniors remain largely opposed, received an $18 million grant in the economic stimulus package for a job training program that has not created any jobs, according to the Obama administration’s website.

The Senior […]

AARP chief a donor to Obama

New AARP chief gave big to Obama By Jeffrey Young The Hill 03/12/09 Incoming AARP CEO A. Barry Rand contributed $8,900 to President Obama’s campaign committees, federal records show.

Rand, a retired senior executive at Xerox Corp., Avis Group and Equitant Inc. and the current chairman of Howard University’s board of trustees, gave the maximum […]
