Dinesh D’Souza, freed from nightly confinement, preparing new book, film for 2016 election

Jerome R. Corsi WorldNetDaily 6/1/2015

NEW YORK – Sunday morning, at 4:30 a.m. Pacific Time, filmmaker and bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza rolled up his bedding at the community confinement center in San Diego that had been his nightly home for eight months and placed it in a plastic bag for the last time…

…On the […]

'Defying the Sword'

The Kelly File Fox News 5/26/2015

This is a rush transcript from “The Kelly File,” May 24, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated…

…first comes the question of how best to deal with a dangerous faction within Islam which is attracting new converts like Simpson and […]

Netanyahu: The PA, Not Israel, Should Fear the ICC

Netanyahu responds to Abbas’s ICC move by noting the PA’s pact with Hamas, vulnerability to prosecution for war crimes.

Tova Dvorin Israel National News 12/31/2014

Israel has little to fear from the Palestinian Authority (PA) signing the Rome Statute to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stated Wednesday night – and […]

Have we lost our freedoms?

Glenn Beck 12/3/2014

Glenn was joined by Judge Andrew Napolitano last night to discuss his new book, Suicide Pact: The Radical Expansion of Presidential Powers and the Lethal Threat of American Liberty. Napolitano’s book argues that the greatest trick the federal government has ever pulled was in convincing us, U.S. citizens, to voluntarily surrender our […]

The ‘Craziest,’ God-Ordained Real-Life Miracles That This Author Says Will ‘Blow Peoples’ Minds’

Billy Hallowell The Blaze 11/27/2014

Author Eric Metaxas says that his new book features stories that will “blow peoples’ minds,” while inspiring and encouraging readers “to be more open to the miraculous.”

Metaxas, a New York Times bestselling author, public speaker, TV personality and founder of the Socrates in the City forum, recently released his […]

You’re a right-wing monster if you think feminist actress repeatedly molesting her sister was wrong

Carmine Sabia BizPac Review 11/3/2014

Liberal actress and self-professed feminist Lena Dunham has blamed the right wing media for attacking her by calling her a child molester.

Dunham commented via her Twitter page that the “right wing news story” about her sexually molesting her younger sister is both “LOL” and “disgusting.” What makes her self-described […]
