EPA Dumps One Million Gallons of Wastewater Into Colorado River

Blake Seitz The Washington Free Beacon 8/7/2015

The Environmental Protection Agency, the federal agency committed to protecting “human health and the environment,” jeopardized both Wednesday by accidentally releasing one million gallons of wastewater into Colorado’s Animas River.

EPA bureaucrats were using heavy machinery to nose around the Gold King Mine near Durango, Colorado, when they […]

Dem Senator Calls on DOJ to Start Suing Global Warming Deniers

Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit 6/26/2015

Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse called on the Department of Justice to start suing global warming deniers.

Whitehouse made the remarks during a discussion with the League of Conservation Voters event this week…

…“A lot of people haven’t seen through the scam that’s being perpetrated,” Whitehouse said. “So that’s one […]

MUST LISTEN: Mark Levin interviews Jeff Sessions on ObamaTrade deal

The Right Scoop 6/11/2015

Jeff Sessions explains to Mark Levin how bad this this ObamaTrade bill is, that it even creates an international community that is in many ways similar to how the European Union began, putting us in partnership with 12 countries and giving them the power to make laws or rules that put […]

RI Senator: Use RICO Laws to Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics

Mark Hemingway The Weekly Standard 6/2/2015

Writing in the Washington Post, Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democratic Senator from Rhode Island, offered a curious suggestion for dealing with global warming skeptics…

…Top men like Sheldon Whitehouse can make sure we don’t hear anything that we don’t need to hear about scientific research and legally punish anyone who […]

Sierra Club Caught in Anti-Coal Fakery

A petition to close down a coal plant from the green group listed some supporters who say they hadn’t signed on.

Jillian Kay Melchior National Review 5/6/2015

A leading national watchdog group monitoring nonprofits has put the Sierra Club on its watch list after reports that three western North Carolina businesses accused the green group […]

Top scientists start to examine fiddled global warming figures

The Global Warming Policy Foundation has enlisted an international team of five distinguished scientists to carry out a full inquiry

Christopher Booker The Telegraph [UK] 25 Apr 2015

…Back in January and February, two items in this column attracted more than 42,000 comments to the Telegraph website from all over the world. The provocative headings […]
