Pat Caddell: Country Closer to Revolution Than Ever

Dan Riehl Big Government 17 Dec 2015

Veteran pollster Pat Caddell says he agrees with the premise that America today is closer to another revolution than at any time in recent history, adding, “The strength of this country comes from its people and it has a political system that is run, now, to the […]

Sessions: Fast-Tracking The Loss Of U.S. Sovereignty

SenatorSessions YouTube 6/22/2015

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Rand Paul: ObamaTrade Tax Hikes on Small Businesses Mean Republicans Should Oppose Revival Efforts

Matthew Boyle Big Government 15 Jun 2015

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is calling on Republicans in the House—and the grassroots nationwide—to oppose efforts by House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to revive Obamatrade via a tax increase hidden inside the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) portion of the deal…

…Leadership didn’t […]

Trade bill survives scare

Cristina Marcos The Hill 6/11/2015

President Obama’s trade agenda survived a bad scare in the House on Thursday when the GOP rule governing debate for the package narrowly survived a 217-212 vote.

Thirty-four Republicans voted against the rule, while eight Democrats backed it…

…House Republicans could only lose 26 of their own for the rule […]

MUST LISTEN: Mark Levin interviews Jeff Sessions on ObamaTrade deal

The Right Scoop 6/11/2015

Jeff Sessions explains to Mark Levin how bad this this ObamaTrade bill is, that it even creates an international community that is in many ways similar to how the European Union began, putting us in partnership with 12 countries and giving them the power to make laws or rules that put […]

Jorge Ramos Admits to Ann Coulter: Bring All of Mexico to Live Here

Matthew Boyle Big Government 26 May 2015

…“More Nigerians than English since the 1970 immigration law,” she said. “Oh, that the people who passed the 1965 immigration law—Teddy Kennedy, the rest of the Democrats—they swore up and down it would not change the ethnic composition of this country. This has been the most dramatic […]
