Paul Ryan announces intention to destroy conservative elements in his party

Unreal – Paul Ryan Announces Chamber of Commerce Lobbyist Will Be His Chief of Staff…

sundance Conservative Treehouse 10/25/2015

With this announcement representative Paul Ryan is openly announcing his intention to destroy the conservative elements within the republican party. And yet again, its doubtful anyone will try to stop him.

The president of the U.S. […]

MUST LISTEN: Mark Levin interviews Jeff Sessions on ObamaTrade deal

The Right Scoop 6/11/2015

Jeff Sessions explains to Mark Levin how bad this this ObamaTrade bill is, that it even creates an international community that is in many ways similar to how the European Union began, putting us in partnership with 12 countries and giving them the power to make laws or rules that put […]

Mike Lee: Change is coming to Washington

Mike Lee For the Deseret News 12/16/2014

The month of December is always a joyous time as we gather with friends and family to celebrate the miracle of Christmas, reflect on the year gone by and look forward to the year ahead. And I believe that this year, for the first time in a long […]

Seven Unions Top Kochs in Super PAC Spending—and That’s Just the Money We Know About

Majority of political spending by labor unions won’t be known until 2015

Bill McMorris The Washington Free Beacon 11/3/2014

Seven labor unions have given more money to super PACs than the Koch Brothers.

The National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the country, has spent more than $22 million on super PACs in the […]

Senator: Emails Reveal EPA, Green Group in ‘Beyond Cozy’ Relationship

Kelsey Harkness The Daily Signal 10/14/2014

Republican lawmakers say the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency enjoys a “beyond cozy” relationship with a liberal environmental action group that seeks to reshape national energy policies in a way that would hurt American businesses and families.

Sen. David Vitter, R-La., the top Republican on the Environment and Public Works […]

Five Things About Bobby Jindal’s Energy Plan

Amy Harder The Wall Street Journal 16 Sep 2014

Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana hopes to emerge as a leading policy thinker in the field of potential GOP presidential candidates. He released an energy plan Tuesday that in some ways is more nuanced and moderate than ideas espoused by other candidates. The 43-year-old governor’s energy […]
