Harvard Law Professor: EPA Climate Rule Is Unconstitutional

Michael Bastasch The Daily Caller 12/5/2014

The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rule to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants is unconstitutional because it violates the Tenth Amendment and the Fifth Amendment, according to a noted liberal Harvard law professor.

“In short, coal has been a bedrock component of our economy and energy policy for […]

Tea Party groups that offered Dave Brat zero support sure are thrilled he defeated Eric Cantor

T. Becket Adams The Washington Examiner 6/11/2014

A Tea Party candidate soundly defeated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., on Tuesday, sending shockwaves through the Republican establishment and the Democratic Party.

And Dave Brat, the 52-year-old chairman of the Randolph-Macon College Department of Economics and Business in Ashland, Va., staged the huge upset without any […]

Cruz Warns Dems Trying to Repeal First Amendment Freedom of Speech

Breitbart.com Breitbart.TV 23 May 2014

Thursday at a Family Research Council pastors’ retreat, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) discussed Senate Joint Resolution 19, which is a effort aimed at reversing the effects of the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision.

“When you think it can’t get any worse, it does,” Cruz said. “This year, I’m sorry […]

Shouldn't a federal judge know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence?

Virginia Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Confuses Declaration of Independence With Constitution

Frances Martel Breitbart.com Big Government 14 Feb 2014

A federal judge struck down Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage today, an historic ruling with especial resonance on Valentine’s Day. Except the history of the historic ruling isn’t exactly up to par: Judge Arenda Wright Allen claimed […]

Defend the Fourth: Sen. Paul (R-KY) Slaps Team Obama With Lawsuit Over NSA Program

Daniel Doherty Townhall 2/12/2014

Does the Fourth Amendment mean anything anymore? That is essentially the question Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) posed in a promotional video on Tuesday — the day before he formally filed, along with the organizationFreedomWorks, a class action lawsuit against President Obama and top officials at the National Security Agency (NSA). He […]

Scalia: ‘High-Handed’ Kennedy Has Declared Us ‘Enemies of the Human Race’

Tim Grieve National Journal 6/26/2013

Dissenting from this morning’s opinion on the Defense of Marriage Act, Justice Antonin Scalia – as expected – holds nothing back.

In a ripping dissent, Scalia says that Justice Anthony Kennedy and his colleagues in the majority have resorted to calling opponents of gay marriage “enemies of the human race.”

