CBS complicit in news coverup

Michael Graham
The Boston Herald

Photo by AP/CBS. “60 Minutes” correspondent Lara Logan is shown covering the reaction in in Cairo’s Tahrir Square the day Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down.

I would point her to the 2008 broadcast on the Al-Aribiya network of a female (!) lawyer arguing that it’s OK for Muslim men to sexually assault Israeli women, because the Jews have “raped the land.” Or this week’s story of Hena, the 14-year-old Bangladeshi girl raped by a family member, then sentenced to 100 lashes by Muslim authorities for having sex out of wedlock. After 80 lashes, Hena died.

There are stories like this — and Logan’s — every week, all with the same cultural denominator.

For the record, Logan isn’t Jewish. And because she’s not Muslim, there’s no possibility she’ll face the lash.

But Lara Logan is a story. Why did CBS work so hard not to tell it?

H/T Patterico’s Pontifications: “Also the Daily Beast has more about the harassment women face in Egypt. So it had less to do with the revolution than Egyptian culture, or so Ursula Lindsey claims…”

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