(Entire article is posted on Red Country Photo is of candidate Jon Russell. )
Congressional Candidate Jon Russell Steps In To Fill Void Left By Brian Baird’s Refusal To Face Constituents Of Washington’s 3rd District
By Gary Wiram
While the current Member of Congress in Washington’s 3rd District, Brian Baird, continues to avoid facing constituents, Congressional Candidate Jon Russell has organized a series of Town Halls during this year’s August Recess, to offer voters opportunities to voice their concerns on the federal deficit, health care reform and other national issues which will impact the residents of Southwest Washington. In a recent interview with Victoria Taft, KPAM 860AM Radio’s evening drive-time Talk Show Host, when asked if he was scheduling Town Halls during the current August Recess, though he initially didn’t directly answer the question, Baird eventually said something about scheduling a number of (closed) “forums” with various groups involved with the health care industry and then he talked about how he has changed to conducting “Telephone Town Halls”. In other words, during this important time when voters are voicing some very serious concerns about the direction the sitting government is taking our nation, BAIRD HAS NO PLANS TO FACE THOSE HE IS CHARGED TO REPRESENT. Although Taft confronted Baird with making it possible for the media to participate in these “Telephone Town Halls”, nothing further has been heard on that. In the face of this, 3rd District Republican Candidate Russell has taken the initiative of planning to meet with Southwest Washington voters at four (4) Town Halls…
…I have to admit that I’m very impressed with Jon Russell taking this initiative. I’m sure I’ve never heard of a candidate taking such a bold step in order to insure that those he aspires to represent get the opportunity to be heard. However, I can’t say that I’m surprised by Russell stepping up to the plate like this…