What happens when a Republican Congressman tells Conservative Activists that fighting for the Constitution is a losing battle? Watch the fireworks as Unite In Action’s Director of Legal Affairs KrisAnne Hall and 912 Project National Co-Chair, Unite In Action President, Stephani Scruggs respond.
This took place at The National Republican Club of Capitol Hill, commonly known as the Capitol Hill Club, in Washington DC on June 28th, 2012 with Michelle Bachmann, Rep Gosar and several other members of congress as well as The Tea Party.Net. with syndicated talk show host Rusty Humphries as the MC. It was broadcast on LiveStream by The Tea Party.Net
H/T GatewayPundit where you may also read, Former Dem Rep. Artur Davis Invokes Reagan – Rallies Tea Party Against Obama in Virginia (Video)
CAJ note: While the Congressman was speaking this poll came to mind: 49% Favor Strict Legal Interpretation of the Constitution from Rasmussen Reports. That low percentage is sickening to us.