Matthew Boyle
The Daily Caller
California Democratic Rep. Lois Capps has been caught failing to report income to the U.S. House of Representatives again – this time for leaving more than half a million dollars off her required congressional disclosure forms.
“From 1998 through 2006,” Chris Meagher of the Santa Barbara Independent newspaper reported, “Capps — in filings with the Legislative Resource Center, home to all public disclosure information filed by members of the House of Representatives — didn’t include income from two pensions she received, one from the State Teachers Retirement System and the Regents of the University of California.”
“Together, the income totaled $512,813. She later corrected the disclosure, saying the income from the two pensions was ‘inadvertently left off my disclosure form in past years.’”…
…This is not the first time Capps has been in hot water over financial disclosures. In early August, The Daily Caller reported that Capps rented a room in her personal home to one of her congressional staffers, Jeremy Tittle, for years and did not report the income to the IRS for more than a decade, until 2012. Capps also withheld that information from the proper congressional authorities for five years, from 2001 until early 2006…