David Sherfinski
The Washington Times
The chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee is leaving it up to GOP Senate candidates as to how many years of tax returns they want to release, suggesting Wednesday that the issue has been cooked up by Democrats to draw attention away from President Obama’s record in office.
“I think it’s up to the individual candidates, what they feel comfortable with,” Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican, said on MSNBC. “But I think it’s by and large a distraction. … In the presidential race, it’s clear that President Obama wants to talk about anything other than his record and the facts that Obamacare was determined to be a tax on the middle class.”
He called the Democratic line of attack “a distraction from [Mr. Obama’s] litany of broken promises.”
Democrats have criticized Mitt Romney for releasing just one year of his returns and an estimate for 2011…
The article continues at The Washington Times.
Here’s a promise the President did keep:
Barack Obama Keeps Campaign Promise – Patriot Coal Corp Files For Bankruptcy