Linda Stasi
The New York Post
Just call him Al Gorezeera.
Yesterday morning, the still shell shocked staff at Current TV was called to an all hands staff meeting at its San Francisco headquarters, which was teleconferenced to their offices in LA and NYC, to meet their new bosses.
That would be two of Al Jazeera’s top guys: Ehab Al Shihabi, executive director of international operations, and Muftah AlSuwaidan, general manager of the London bureau.
Ominously missing was the creator of Current, the self proclaimed inventor of the Internet and savior of clean energy, Al Gore, although his partner, Joel Hyatt, stood proudly with the Al Jazeera honchos…
…The “new” American Al Jazeera will, according to Shihabi, appeal to the American audience with a mixture of national and international news—and, of course, entertainment.
But you won’t be getting that Middle East merriment until April, which is when the network says it will be ready to take over…
The entire article is at NYPost.
Update: Al Gore sold Current TV to an organization that was “aligned with [Current TV’s] point of view.”
Read the whole thing–and watch more Al-Jazeera video–at Winds of Jihad.
Update 2: Dennis Miller on Al Gore’s Al Jazeera Deal: ‘I Don’t Like Guys Who Profit From Being a Prophet’