Mark Hemingway
Washington Examiner
Following up on my post yesterday about gubernatorial elections in the Midwest, the Public Policy Polling — a Democratic firm, mind you — says things are going to get ugly in Novemeber in Big Ten states:
If the election was today Democrats would likely lose something they currently hold in every state where they have something to lose- Pennsylvania Governor and perhaps Senate, Michigan Governor, Ohio Governor, Indiana Senate, Iowa Governor, Wisconsin Governor and perhaps Senate, and Illinois Senate and/or Governor. Only Minnesota doesn’t join the party because Democrats have nothing to lose there.
What all this really makes me wonder is just how many House seats Democrats are going to lose in the region this year. The smattering of polling we’ve seen has not been very good for the party, but because it’s so limited it’s hard to get a handle on just how bad the situation is. Given the Obama numbers and what we’re seeing in Senate and Gubernatorial polls though I’m guessing it’s not a good picture for Democrats. It’s going to be a very difficult year for the party in this region.