Weasel Zippers
Let this serve as a warning to all the young people out there, this is your brain on drugs liberalism.
( — As part of a discussion with voters about Obamacare funding, Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Fla.) told one man, “Don’t confuse me with any facts.”
“This is part of the problem,” Brown told an audience member who had asked about the billions of dollars cut from Medicare under the Affordable Health Care Act.
“In this time period it’s just like — don’t confuse me with any facts. I was at a town hall meeting with AARP, and they talked about the pros and cons and explained everything. So I would suggest that you go and read what they have to say about it, because what you’re saying is not true.”
“What do you mean it’s not true?” the audience member at the September event at Jacksonville University can be heard saying.
“Let me finish explaining,” Brown continued, “Okay, look what you’re talking about, we didn’t take money from Medicaid to put…”
“Medicare,” the audience member interrupts.
There’s video at Interesting photo at Weasel Zippers.