Neil Munro
The Daily Caller
Democrats are defending President Barack Obama’s provocative March 18 pick to head the Department of Labor, Tom Perez, by highlighting his Hispanic heritage.
“This morning: RNC autopsy warned GOP to improve Hispanic outreach. This afternoon: Senate Rs fight Hispanic nominee,” said a tweet from Sen. Harry Reid’s digital media advisor, Faiz Shakir.
Brad Woodhouse, the spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, broadcast a tweet from teachers’ union leader, saying “This is why GOP does so poorly with Latinos. Perez deserves better.”…
…The Democrats did not try to counter the GOP’s numerous criticisms of Perez, whose management of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights division was slammed by a scathing Inspector General report in March…
…Obama announced the nomination March 18, saying “Tom has fought to open pathways into the workforce for everyone willing to contribute, including people with disabilities, LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender] Americans, and immigrants.”
Obama announced the nomination on the day when the GOP was trying to rollout a new outreach to Hispanics, and highlighted Perez’s Hispanic roots during a brief White House appearance.
When appearing with Obama, Perez twice spoke in Spanish to Latino audiences…
Read the entire article at The Daily Caller.
Update: Big Labor’s Man in Washington