Developments today HR 3200 Health care reform bill

Thanks to Rep. Nathan Deal (R-GA) for offering an amendment to the House Energy and Commerce Committee this morning that would explicitly prohibit illegal aliens from receiving health care benefits under the health care reform bill (H.R. 3200). Congressman Deal’s amendment would have applied the same regulations to HR 3200 as those currently prohibiting Medicare and Medicaid benefits to persons in the United States illegally.

The amendment was narrowly defeated 28-to-29 after two Blue Dog Democrats on the committee voted against the amendment. Congressman Zack Space, (D-OH) and Congressman Bart Gordon (D-TN) were those two votes against the amendment requiring proof of legal residence in the US.

Human Events columnist Connie Hair wrote on Twitter this afternoon that Congressman Tom Price (R-GA) introduced new health care bill today. Hair said Price is a former orthopaedic surgeon. Here is her latest column, Healthcare Mess Deepens

Hair wrote, “Here’s the full vote tally on the proof of citizenship for healthcare from the markup.”

[Our note: earlier this evening we incorrectly wrote that Congressman David Price, D-NC, was the sponsor of the new bill and apologize for any confusion that error may have caused.]

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