Speaker Pelosi tearfully expressed fear over extreme rhetoric. Does this cause her any concern?
DNC promises ‘rain of hellfire’
by Mike Allen
The increasingly aggressive Democratic National Committee on Friday launched a new “Call ’Em Out” website targeting prominent Republicans for statements they have made about President Barack Obama’s health reform plans.
“Help debunk the outrageous lies and misinformation about health reform,” the site says.
DNC spokesman Hari Sevugan said: “The message to opponents of change who would lie or misrepresent the truth should be clear. We are going to respond forcefully and consistently with the facts, and you will no longer be able to peddle your lies with impunity. Through tools like ‘Call ‘Em Out,’ you will be met with a rain of hellfire from supporters armed with the facts and you will be held to account.”
The website is part of a larger, more aggressive approach taken by the White House through the DNC to push back against smears, distortions and misinformation. It’s taken various forms, including hitting back on Republican Medicare attacks with a TV ad that ran nationally and in 10 targeted members’ districts.
The DNC is focusing more on real-time response, with 18 e-mails on the night of the president’s speech to Congress and 10 real-time responses on White House czars on Wednesday.
“Every Republican that goes on TV or gets on a conference call or steps up to a mic is getting fact-checked,” a Democratic official said.
The new site’s opening target is Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. A button urges visitors to “CALL PAWLENTY,” then gives his office number at the Minnesota Capitol.
One of the tools is a Twitter button that can automatically tweet: “Hey @timpawlenty, quit lying about health reform. … #CallEmOut.”
Read more at Politico.com