Clint Eastwood’s Full RNC Speech
“You…we…we own this country…Politicians are employees of ours…when somebody does not do the job, we’ve gotta let ’em go…”
Barracuda Brigade
Related: Clint Eastwood brings down house at GOP convention
The Washington Post actually published the full text.
Update: Why Eastwood Matters: Old School Star Reflects American Grit, Greatness
Update 2: Eastwood skit inspires @InvisibleObama
Barack Obama WOULD NEVER Say “Go F*ck Yourself”
RICHARD FERNANDEZ ON the Eastwood Speech. via Instapundit
Update 3: The Greatest Piece of Performance Art in American Political History
…something uniquely American happened during the Republican convention — a new, never seen before play was run. An iconic and extremely successful artist created an original, entirely unique moments in our political history. Clint Eastwood gave one of the greatest pieces of performance art ever seen.
Clint Eastwood knew exactly what he was doing — as both an actor AND director he knows full well how to deliver a message that resonates. As a simple, practical matter his speech will be discussed for a very very long time and that will bring positive focus back to a very successful GOP convention again and again…
Fox News Channel has a better transcript of the speech.
Update 4: via Instapundit:
JIM TREACHER: If Talking To Empty Chairs Is Bad, Obama Needs To Start Holding Rallies In Broom Closets. Hey, when you’ve been reduced to passing out free tickets in bars. . . .
Related: Justin Katz: The Brilliance of Clint’s Empty Chair. “Viewers who found the speech peculiar (mainly those in academia, entertainment, and media, I’d wager) may have done so because Eastwood used a theatrical device in the service of the wrong script… from their point of view and according to their expectations. As a thought experiment, they should imagine some other actor’s using the exact same gimmick at the Democrat National Convention, with a non-present Mitt Romney.”
Also related: The Sad and Tawdry Line-up for the Democrat Convention in Charlotte. Hey, Hillary had urgent business in the Cook Islands that week!