Fox Nation
On Thursday’s edition of ‘The Five,’ Eric Bolling made the Obama administration an offer he thinks they can’t refuse! Tours of the White House have been cancelled because of the sequester, but Bolling said, “If I can get the doors open, I’ll pick up the tab!”
“Let these families take their White House tours next week and I’ll cover the added expenses. Word is it will cost around $74,000.”
Shortly after Bolling made his offer, Fox News’ Sean Hannity said he’d pitch in…
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Related: Boehner on cancelled tours: The American people own the White House
Sean Hannity Offers To Pay For A Week’s Worth Of White House Tours
Gingrich: I Will Raise the Money to Resume White House Tours
No luck for sixth-graders pleading for WH tour
Leaked email adds fuel to claims White House playing politics over impact of cuts
Park ranger: Supervisors pushed sequester cuts that visitors would see
Strassel: Jumping the Sequester When the president canceled White House tours, he revealed his claims as ludicrous.
…the administration announced that it was canceling public tours of the White House, blaming budget cuts. The Sequesterer in Chief has insisted that cutting even $44 billion from this fiscal year will cause agonizing pain—airport security snarls, uninspected meat, uneducated children. Since none of those things has come to pass, the White House decided it needed an immediate and high-profile way of making its point. Ergo, it would deny the nation’s school kids a chance to view a symbol of America.
The act was designed to spark outrage against Republicans, yet the sheer pettiness of it instead provided a moment of clarity. Americans might not understand the technicalities of sequester, but this was something else entirely. Was the president actually claiming there was not a single other government item—not one—that could be cut instead of the White House tours? Really?…
Byron York: Obama resists simple fixes for sequestration cuts
The little secret of sequestration is that the Obama administration could fix much of the problem pretty quickly. But it doesn’t want to…
…”We sent out on Feb. 28 a letter to every Cabinet officer asking them what changes they’d like to have — pluses, subtractions and so on — to give them an opportunity to show us at least one program they would like to have cut, which would then save on sequestration,” Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said in an interview Tuesday night. “We did not receive a single answer.”…
…In other words, Obama Cabinet officials, if they chose, could have an enormous amount of flexibility in making the required budget cuts. They just don’t want to. “We’ve had zero answers,” repeated Issa…
Meanwhile, “shared sacrifice” for thee, but not for me: Another Martha’s Vineyard Vacation For the Obama Family?