Matthew Boyle
The Daily Caller
Charlotte, N.C. Mayor Anthony Foxx, a Democrat with close ties to President Barack Obama, is taking political heat as several reports show he plans to replace local workers with out-of-state union workers during the Democratic National Convention next year.
Foxx’s mayoral Republican challenger, Scott Stone, has been a vocal opponent of Foxx’s purportedly anti-local business policies. Stone recently held a press conference asking Foxx to pledge he wouldn’t give DNC jobs to out-of-state unions, but Foxx refused to commit.
After the press conference, RedState’s Ben Howe discovered that the DNC was “discriminating against” a local large format sign printing company because it does not employ union labor. Since then, more reports of “discrimination” against non-union shops in Charlotte have surfaced.
The Ritz Carlton hotel in Charlotte, where the president is reportedly staying during the DNC next year, plans to temporarily lay off its employees, reports. spoke with a Ritz Carlton non-union employee who confirmed “they had been told they would be laid off during the convention.”
The article continues at The Daily Caller.
Related: Charlotte Workers Offered Free Legal Aid To Fight DNC Convention Discrimination
…As a result of the DNC shenanigans going on to favor their union cronies, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is offering Charlotte-area workers free legal assistance to fight the Democrats’ discrimination for the 2012 DNC Convention….
Obama NLRB Lawyer Jokes After Suing Boeing For Going Non-Union: “We Screwed Up The U.S. Economy”… Hilarious.
New documents obtained by Judicial Watch show acting National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Lafe Solomon joking that the NLRB’s suit against Boeing would kill jobs in South Carolina. Commenting on a Planet Labor article whose headline suggests Boeing might not be able to open its new plant in South Carolina because of “antiunion behavior,” Solomon writes:
The article gave me a new idea. You go to geneva and I get a job with airbus. We screwed up the us economy and now we can tackle europe.
Solomon goes on to complain that Obama NLRB nominee Craig Becker may be getting the credit for the Boeing suit: “I didn’t read all of the meltwater articles but some of the headlines tie boeing to craig. Unbelievable.”…
Read the whole thing. Mitt Romney says Lafe Solomon should lose his job.