Poor Richard’s News
17 August 2013
It was another busy news day with not nearly enough time to cover everything. Here are some of the stories that caught our eye today.
- 91 more people died in the violent clashes between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian military.
- The Muslim Brotherhood mob torched a non-profit blood bank. Staff of the charity were seen jumping out windows to escape the flames.
- The Egyptian military chief is vowing to rebuild the scores of Christian churches that have been destroyed by the Muslim Brotherhood.
- Secretary of State John Kerry is finally admitting that al Qaeda is operating inside Syria.
- Not too bothered by the situation in Egypt or Syria, Secretary of State John Kerry went windsurfing.
- President Mom Jeans . He went for a bike ride today:
The article continues, with video, at Poor Richard’s News.
Related: The Obama-Morsi Deal?
This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Igor Melcuk, a Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the University of Montreal and Member of the Royal Society of Canada. A scientist and “reluctant” Soviet dissident, he left the Soviet Union in 1977 after being expelled from the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences…
…Prof. Melcuk joined the Gang to discuss The Obama-Morsi Deal? The discussion took place in Part II (beginning at the 7:00 mark) and focused on the reports in the Arabic media that the U.S. president made a secret agreement with the Brotherhood on the Sinai…
Egyptian military chief vows to rebuild Coptic Churches
The Egyptian defense minister has ordered the repair and reconstruction of all churches that suffered damage in the country’s violent demonstrations since the Egyptian military removed President Mohamed Morsi from power last month…
…The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), an Egyptian NGO, says at least 25 churches were torched this week, and attackers also targeted Christian schools, shops and homes across all 27 provinces.
The Official Scorekeeper Of The 2016 Election. Don Surber is blogging again and keeping the score between good and evil:
…2. From Fox News: “As Egypt descends into chaos, President Obama is facing increasing criticism that an incoherent policy toward the country — much like U.S. policy toward Syria — is putting U.S. money and influence on the line without a clear end-game.
“The Obama administration claims to be staying neutral in the violent confrontation between the military-backed government and Muslim Brotherhood supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi. More than 600 people have been killed so far across the country.”
Incoherent? That describes his economic policy, Obamacare, his spying policy, Gitrmo — in fact the only difference between his domestic policy and Egypt is the Egyptian press isn’t covering his skinny ass.
via The Astute Bloggers:
Russia Taking Advantage of Egyptial Turmoil and Obama’s Tacit Support for the Muslim Brotherhood
Just as I predicted…
Obama ‘Won’t Take Sides’ in a Battle Against the Islamo-Terrorists of Egypt
…One side – the Muslim Brotherhood – burns down churches. The other side – (the military which had been running Egypt from the time they overthrew the king in the 1950’s until Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood force them out of power) – promises to rebuild them. And Obama says, “We don’t take sides.”…
Update: While Obama Golfs, the Middle East Burns
For a President who won the Nobel Peace prize only months into his presidency, times have truly changed. The foreign policy reset President Obama promised after President George W. Bush’s tenure did not materialize, and in fact, America’s standing in the world has only gotten worse.
President Obama is not the only one culpable in this. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also shares the blame. Yes, she traveled a lot, but what did she really accomplish?…
CBS News Makes Excuses for Obama’s Card Playing During Bin Laden Raid
When Reggie Love, President Obama’s ex-assistant, revealed in an interview that the president left the Situation Room during the bin Laden raid to play 15 games of Spades with Love and a few others, the revelation threatened the White House’s carefully crafted mythology surrounding that night. Thursday morning, though, it was Norah O’Donnell and Charlie Rose of CBS News to the rescue of that mythology….
Update 2: Obama will yearn for the “hatred” and “racism” of the Tea Party, perhaps, after reading the comments left by Egyptians on his Facebook page.
Update 3: Egypt Residents Provide First-Hand Accounts of Bloody Mayhem: ‘Everybody’s Scared Sh**tless’