Chris Horner
The American Spectator
Today’s ClimateWire has this item:
ECONOMY: U.N. wants 2 percent of world income put into ‘green economy’
The United Nations yesterday called for 2 percent of worldwide income to be invested in the green economy.
The investment [sic], which would amount to $1.3 trillion a year, will pay for itself by providing millions of new jobs, developing new industries, cutting greenhouse gas emissions, saving money and providing health benefits from cleaner air, the United Nations said.
This demand is set to emerge in a treaty I have noted here before, plans for which include springing it on us three weeks before an event in Rio, in the Spring of our 2012 presidential election cycle, which President Obama will attend. It is a World Environment Summit celebrating the 20th anniversary of the world taking advantage of U.S. politics to insert their rent-seeking, wealth transfers and playing-field-levelers into our national debate. Oh, and roping us into them, as well, as politicians rush to show their ‘green’ bona fides (we ratified the parent treaty to Kyoto, agreed in Rio 1992, in an embarrassing 120 days or so from agreement, knocking all but two other countries over in our stampede to do so before them).
It is called the UN Convention on Sustainable Development 2012, and more on it as things develop. The next negotiating session, the second of three, will be held this Spring. I’ve seen negotiating documents from the first session — lots of talk about how to avoid extended debate, which apparently wouldn’t serve their purposes — and can hardly wait to read more.