Joel B. Pollak
Big Peace
31 Jan 2013
Former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) has vindicated his critics thus far today in his confirmation hearings before the Senate Armed Service Committee for the post of Secretary of Defense. He has stumbled in attempting to explain his positions on Iran, nuclear disarmament, Israel, the Iraq “surge,” and the “Jewish lobby.” He has failed to explain contradictions between his voting record and his past statements on the one hand, and the positions he professes today on the other. Even liberals and supporters of Hagel are openly lamenting his poor performance.
Democrats on the committee are doing their best to inflate Hagel’s thin resumé (belatedly discovered by Politico) by mentioning his military service at every opportunity. But they cannot cover for Hagel’s errors and evasions–and he has been ably pinned down by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), and others. Hagel’s performance has not only undermined faith in his views but faith in his competence…
The article continues at Big Peace.
Related: Biggest Losers of Hagel Hearings: Chuck Schumer and AIPAC
…while Hagel was imploding in the hearing room, AIPAC was busy elsewhere in the Senate, helping to defeat an amendment by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) that would have prevented U.S. military aircraft and tanks from being shipped to the radical, antisemitic, anti-Israel, anti-American Muslim Brotherhood government of Egypt. AIPAC’s apparent rationale: they worried that U.S. influence with the Egyptian government might diminish…
CNN: Senators ‘Shocked’ Hagel So ‘Ill-Prepared’
Update: “The 5 most memorable moments of the Chuck Hagel hearing (VIDEO)” — Rachel Weiner, Washington Post
And, Chris Matthews attributes John McCain’s questioning of Chuck Hagel to Vietnam flashback