'Hating Breitbart': Legacy Of Conservative Warrior

Breitbart TV
19 Oct 2012

Film maker Andrew Marcus sits with Steve Doocy on Fox and Friends to discuss today’s release of the new documentary “Hating Breitbart.”

Related: ‘Hating Breitbart’ Review: How Andrew Tortured the Media with the Truth

“Hating Breitbart” will certainly be greeted with head nods and high fives by those who followed the late media mogul’s work. Those unfamiliar with Andrew’s mission or his successful take down of media memes will walk away with a better understanding of what he was fighting – and why so many people wanted to personally destroy him

Loving Breitbart, Our Happy Warrior.  Why go see a movie with a title like “Hating Breitbart?”

Instapundit: Even from beyond, Andrew Breitbart is driving his ideological enemies into apoplexy

Update: THE VIDEO – Far Left HuffPo Loon Booted From Hating Breitbart Premier

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