‘Hitler, Stalin, Walker’

“They just can’t help it. It’s a good thing they’re not tea partyers.”

Jim Hoft

[click on the images to view them at full size]

Evidently there was plenty of crudity and incivility to go around in Madison this week. Go to GatewayPundit to see the rest of Jim’s photos from today’s Tea Party.

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At The Daily Caller, Ryan Young has written .

Turns out there is such a thing as bad publicity. School districts across Wisconsin have closed because of the number of teachers calling in sick. They aren’t sick, of course. They are in the state capital Madison to protest Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed labor policy changes. This is not a good way to get parents on one’s side. If anything, many parents scrambling to find and pay for daycare are livid.

The protesters — thousands of them — have dominated the news for the last few days. Everyone wants to hear what they have to say. So even if they lose a few parents, they can gain an entire nation. Not a bad tradeoff.

The problem is that the more people learn about public sector unions, the less sympathy they get. This week’s publicity explosion is hurting the unions, not helping them. An online Milwaukee Journal Sentinel poll shows that 59 percent of Wisconsonites support Gov. Walker’s proposals, up from 57 percent just the day before.

It’s not just Wisconsin. A nationwide Clarus Group poll found that 64 percent of Americans don’t think public sector workers should be able to organize, period.

People are learning a lot this week. They’re learning that in Wisconsin, unionized public sector workers don’t pay anything into their pensions or toward their health care costs. Most private sector workers don’t enjoy those kinds of perks — yet they aren’t taking to the streets…

Read the whole thing.

Andrew Breitbart spoke to the Tea Party in Madison today:

While in Madison, Andrew also received a doctor’s note for time away from work…

Update: Sarah Palin’s Notes on Facebook, Union Brothers and Sisters: Seize Opportunity to Show True Solidarity

The union-led school closures and demonstrations in Madison have left most ordinary Americans shaking their heads in disbelief. Months ago, I penned a message to my fellow union brothers and sisters when I found myself on the receiving end of union boss Richard Trumka’s wrath. Yesterday’s demonstrations reminded me of the full-page ads taken out against me when I put my foot down in dealing with union demands while I served as governor. My message then and now to good union brothers and sisters is that you have another option. You don’t have to kowtow to the union bosses who are not looking out for you, but instead are using you. You can join millions of other union members in a commonsense movement to help fight for the right causes in our great country – for budgets that share the burden in a truly fair way and for commonsense reforms that take power away from vested interests like union bosses and big business lobby groups, and put it back where it belongs – with “We the People.”…

Read the rest on Facebook.

Update 2: From law professor William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection, Obamacare Starts Early in Madison–Free Sick Notes for Progressives!

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