Holder: Americans Opposed to Obama’s Transformation of U.S. Guilty of ‘Quiet Prejudice’

Tony Lee
Big Government
17 May 2014

…After comparing Obamacare to the Civil Rights Act of 1965, Holder suggested that those opposed to Obama’s “year of action” are silently displaying their prejudices and suggested that “action” is needed in voting rights, school discipline, and criminal justice reform. He blasted voter ID laws and “zero-tolerance school discipline practices” that “affect black males at a rate three times higher than their white peers.” The Justice Department’s school guideline reforms have been heavily criticized for effectively forcing schools to enact “de facto racial quotas” in school discipline.

Holder also condemned a “criminal justice system that treats groups of people differently – and punishes them unequally” – because it has “a much more negative impact than misguided words that we can reject out of hand.”

Even though there was near universal condemnation for Donald Sterling’s and Cliven Bundy’s comments about black Americans, Holder said that was not good enough because the public outrage merely masks “hidden” racism in society…



The entire article, with video, is at Big Government.



Related:  That’s a whole lot of racism…Gallup: Only 25% Satisfied With Direction of Country

…Only 25% said “satisfied.” According to Gallup, “74% express dissatisfaction.”

“Americans’ satisfaction with the country’s direction has remained flat over the past year, with the major exception of a drop to a low of 16% in October 2013 during the U.S. federal government shutdown,” said Gallup.  “Otherwise, satisfaction has not strayed from the 20% range since April of last year when it reached 30%…”…



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