Weasel Zippers
Obama claims executive privilege in 3… 2… 1…
House Republicans on Wednesday threatened to subpoena the Obama administration over public-relations contracts to promote President Obama’s healthcare law.
It’s the third healthcare-related subpoena threat in two weeks. This one came from Republicans on the Ways and Means Committee, who said they haven’t received a response to their inquiries about public-relations contracts.
The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) has signed at least 2 PR contracts to promote the president’s landmark Affordable Care Act. HHS signed a $20-million deal to raise awareness of new coverage for preventive services, and a separate $3-million contract is focused on the federally run insurance exchange, which will begin operating in 2014. […]
They threatened to issue subpoenas if HHS doesn’t respond by Oct. 31…
The article continues at Weasel Zippers.
Related: Chuck Woolery: AARP/White House emails show effort to pass Obamacare
First, note that Chuck Woolery is a paid spokesperson for Generation America, a membership organization in direct competition with the AARP. If you follow Woolery’s Twitter account, though, you also know he’s a proud “tea party guy” and libertarian conservative, so it’s no surprise he’s not just taping commercials and cashing the check…