I Hate This Man … With Very Little Effort


As a Hungarian I am finding a kinship with my Babalu ‘family’ in that I believe, in the last few years, I have found my version of “Castro” in George Soros. While he is not physically oppressing a population of people and starving them into his control … he is feeding those in this country and around the world who would/will. His sticky hands and filthy money are everywhere.

Matthew Vadum at Big Hollywood exposes the latest investment of Soros:

Radical philanthropist George Soros is bankrolling a documentary that celebrates left-wing terrorists who plotted to napalm Republicans at the 2008 GOP convention in Minnesota. Even worse, you too are bankrolling the film through your taxes.

You can be sure that if right-wing terrorists were plotting to attack the Democratic National Convention, whoever foiled that conspiracy would be immortalized in film, literature and song as a savior of democracy.

“If you flip the equation around and it had been a group of conservatives threatening to use force to prevent those on the Left from meeting, everyone would expect the government to infiltrate them and they would also expect the FBI to stop them and charge them with crimes,” said Brandon Darby, who helped the FBI thwart the planned attack…

…Of course, it should surprise no one that Hollywood loves this kind of story with its anti-American overtones. HBO gave a grant to the filmmakers to produce their pro-terrorist propaganda. So did the Soros-funded Sundance Institute. After Soros’s foundation, the Open Society Institute (OSI), gave Sundance’s Documentary Film Program $4.6 million in 2002, it gave the institute another $5 million in 2009.

Taxpayers also underwrite Sundance’s adventures in social justice indoctrination. According to nonprofit tax returns (known as IRS Form 990s), the Sundance Institute has taken in $11,240,081 in government grants since 1997…

Read the article in full, and remind me again about those ‘foreign influences’ being pumped into the US Chamber of Commerce … Yes, thank you.

The entire article is at Babalu blog.

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