Glenn Reynolds
IF YOU SEE SOMETHING AT THE POLLS THAT DOESN’T SEEM RIGHT, call the Election Integrity Hotline at 855-444-6100.
RELATED (From Ed): More from Christian Adams at the PJ Tatler: Vote Fraud: Who you gonna call?
Update: New Black Panther thugs reportedly back at the polls in Philly; Update: Confirmed
In Philadelphia, where GOP poll inspectors have reportedly been tossed out of polling locations in up to two dozen wards, reports are coming in of a New Black Panther presence in the 14th ward. Breaking: Black Panthers at the SAME Philly location as 2008 trying to intimidate voters!!!— Ali A. Akbar (@ali) November 06, 2012
GOP inspectors reportedly kicked out of multiple Philadelphia polling places
Reports are coming in that Republican poll inspectors have been ejected from as many as 25 polling locations in Philadelphia. Are the dirty tricks starting already? Over 25 precincts have ejected Official GOP Inspectors in Philly— Election Journal (@electionjournal) November 06, 2012