WND series prompted authorities, Senate report confirms massive fraud
As U.S. senators digest a sharply critical committee report confirming massive international money laundering by global banking giant HSBC, the Internal Revenue Service is acknowledging receipt of a whistleblower claim from a former employee of the bank who presented 1,000 pages of evidence to WND six months ago, after local and federal authorities ignored him.
A series of WND stories, beginning in February, reported the evidence collected by John Cruz, a former vice president and relationship manager for HSBC in New York who documented hundreds of millions of dollars in suspicious transactions he pulled from a bank computer system before he was fired. Cruz was terminated in 2010, after two years at HSBC, for “poor performance,” but he contends he was let go because senior management didn’t want to him to pursue his personal investigation.
In a letter to Cruz, the supervisor of the IRS whistleblower office in Ogden, Utah, acknowledged the agency is evaluating Cruz’s claim to determine whether an investigation is warranted. Cruz previously told WND he met with special agents with the IRS criminal division in April and handed over a computer disc with copies of his internal documents.
The agents, according to Cruz, were overwhelmed with the volume and detail of the information, calling it “mind-boggling.”…
…WND’s series of articles on HSBC has caused fallout for WND senior reporter Jerome Corsi and for WND, which saw one of the articles temporarily blocked when HSBC filed a complaint with an Internet provider that turned out to be unwarranted.
Reuters recently reported an officer in HSBC’s compliance operations in Delaware who questioned transactions he suspected were linked to Hamas was berated and overruled…
The entire article is at WorldNetDaily.
Previous WND stories:
Massive fraud ignored … until this happened
Banking giant HSBC ‘a criminal enterprise’
Whistleblower explains ABCs of money laundering
Look who ‘has stolen IDs, fake tax returns’
Investment firm fires WND reporter for exposing scandal
Big bank retaliates against WND for exposé
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