Islam on Capitol Hill 2009

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Jummah prayer
Capitol Hill
September 25, 2009


The various emails we’ve received about this gathering taking place next Friday, 25 September, all state that at least 50,000 Muslims are expected to gather in Washington, DC.

From the official website:


The objective of this gathering is to invite the Muslim Communities and friends of Islam to express and illustrate the wonderful diversity of Islam. We intend to manifest Islam’s majestic spiritual principals as revealed by Allah to our beloved prophet

Muhammad (PEACE BE UPON HIM) of Arabia. Likewise; we intend to inspire a new generation of Muslim to work for the greater good of all people. We shall serve all people, regardless of race, religion or national origin.


The Athan will be chanted on Capitol Hill, echoing off of the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and other great edifices that surround Capitol Hill

Thousands of Muslims from all races, creeds, colors and ethnicities will gather for the sole purpose of prayer

Bonds of friendship will be formed between those in attendance, both Muslims and Non-Muslims

Muslim youth will experience tours of the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court.

The peace, beauty and solidarity of Islam will shine through America’s capitol.

At the bottom of the Guestbook page, “OUR TIME HAS COME.”

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