Jim Kouri
Law Enforcement Examiner
The nation’s top uniformed military official on Monday advised current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces to refrain from what he termed “partisan politics.” His statement comes as a result of groups of Navy SEALs, intelligence officials and others, such as Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, who are highly critical of President Barack Obama.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey said, in an interview on Monday during his flight to visit Turkey, that using the uniform for partisan politics hurts the trust Americans have in their warriors.
Gen. Dempsey claims that throughout his 38-year military career in the Armed Forces he has always been politically neutral.
Sadly, none of the reporters asked Gen. Dempsey why he never spoke up during the Bush years when former generals and high-ranking officers were trotted out by the news media to condemn President George W. Bush’s war policies and activities.
But several veterans do not agree with the four-star general…
The article continues at Law Enforcement Examiner.
Related: From 2010, Lt Colonel Allen West’s Speech on Jihad and Islam for Freedom Defense Initiative