Judge Halts Detroit Bankruptcy Because It Would Offend Obama, or Something

Bryan Preston
PJ Tatler
PJ Media

Where’s the “thou shalt not offend Obama” clause in the Michigan state constitution? I’m unable to find it.

Ruling that the governor and Detroit’s emergency manager violated the state constitution, an Ingham County Circuit judge ordered Friday that Detroit’s federal bankruptcy filing be withdrawn.

“It’s absolutely needed,” said Judge Rosemary Aquilina, observing she hopes Gov. Rick Snyder “reads certain sections of the (Michigan) constitution and reconsiders his actions.”

Prior to her ruling on Friday, she criticized the Snyder administration and Attorney General’s Office for what appeared to be hasty action to outflank pension board attorneys.

“It’s cheating, sir, and it’s cheating good people who work,” the judge told assistant Attorney General Brian Devlin. “It’s also not honoring the (United States) president, who took (Detroit’s auto companies) out of bankruptcy.”

Aquilina said she would make sure President Obama got a copy of her order.

“I know he’s watching this,” she said, predicting the president ultimately will have to take action to make sure existing pension commitments are honored.

Aquilina never referred to how government unions electing Democrats to continue increasing their lavish and unaffordable benefits cheats taxpayers.


More at Hot Air, Michigan judge halts Detroit bankruptcy because it dishonors Obama


Bloomberg: Michigan Judge Says Detroit Bankruptcy Should Be Dropped

A Michigan judge declared that Detroit’s Chapter 9 bankruptcy filing violated the state’s constitution and ordered Governor Rick Snyder to withdraw it.

Circuit Court Judge Rosemarie E. Aquilina in Lansing today criticized Snyder, a Republican, for rushing the filing into court yesterday before she could rule on a bid by city workers and their pension funds to consider an emergency request to block the filing.

“I’m finding the actions that were taken in filing bankruptcy as overreaching and unconstitutional,” she said.

She ordered the governor to direct Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr to immediately withdraw the bankruptcy petition. She also said he cannot authorize further filings that would impair or diminish public pension benefits…


Read the whole thing and discover why Judge Aquilina can’t actually do this…


Related: Rand Paul: Obama will bail out of Detroit ‘over my dead body’

…“I basically say [Obama] is bailing them out over my dead body because we don’t have any money in Washington,” Paul told the newspaper in a phone interview Friday…

…Paul said the reason he is going to fight to stop any efforts to bail out Detroit is that if the president succeeds in bailing it out, that will send a signal to the rest of cities and states nationwide that the federal government will bail them out to if they conduct reckless spending…



UpdateHeh: Guy who wants entire country run like Detroit RIPs Motown, warns America



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