Leadership. Team Romney announced that the campaign bus will be used to help with storm relief efforts on the East Coast, as Hurricane Sandy bears down.
Kudos, Team Romney, for stepping up immediately to try to aid those in harm’s way. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with all in the storm’s path.
Read the complete article at Twitchy.
(A larger view of the image is here.)
Also, Paul Ryan Urges Prayer for Fellow Americans in the Path of Hurricane Sandy
Here is video of GOP Vice-Presidential Nominee Paul Ryan urging supporters to pray for fellow Americans in the path of Hurricane Sandy headed for the East Coast of the United States.
Related: Will rising sea levels affect the election?
…It was 4 years ago that Obama gave that grandiose “this was the moment” speech where he said, “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow….” What irony if the rise of the oceans thwarts his reelection!
Bloomberg: I’m Going to Sign an Evacuation Order.
In which Mayor Nanny ends up doing his best Ray Nagin impersonation.